Faculty Profiles

Colleen Hoover
Associate Professor of Mathematics
334 Madeleva Hall
PhD, University of Notre Dame
MS, University of Notre Dame
BA, University of Dayton
Research Interests
- History and philosophy of mathematics
- Strategies for mathematics instruction
- Mathematical logic
Courses Recently Taught
- MATH 102: Liberal arts mathematics
- MATH 132: Calculus II
- MATH 133: Theory and application of calculus
- MATH 353: Abstract algebra I
- MATH 354: Abstract algebra II
- CPSC 102: Spreadsheets
Professional Experience
- Reach for the Numbers, South Bend, IN, program coordinator and instructor
- Hypatia Day program, director of the organization to encourage middle school girls to pursue mathematics and science
Creative and Scholarly Work
- Hoover, Colleen, Joanne E. Snow. “Faith and Reason in the Life and Work of Mathematician Marston Morse.” Inaugural lecture in the Believing Scholars series sponsored by the Center for Spirituality, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN, October 26, 2010.
- Snow, Joanne E., Colleen M. Hoover. “Mathematician as Artist: Marston Morse.” The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2010): Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.
- “Garden-variety Symmetry.” Invited hour-long lecture to lead off the Undergraduate Mathematics Day at the University of Dayton, November 2007.
- Hoover, Colleen, Don Balka, Mary Porter. “Reach for the Numbers: A Mathematics Initiative for ELL Teachers.” 90-minute gallery workshop at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference and Exposition in Chicago, IL, September 2006.
Professional Memberships
Mathematics Association of America
Pi Mu Epsilon