Faculty Profiles
Catherine Pellegrino
MSLS, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
MPhil, PhD, Yale University
BMus, Oberlin College
Research Interests
- Undergraduate students' help-seeking behaviors
- Assessment of library instruction
- Help-seeking behaviors in online courses
Professional Experience
- North Carolina State University, librarian
- The University of the South (Sewanee), instructor, music theory and musicology
- Oberlin Conservatory, instructor, music theory and musicology
Creative and Scholarly Work
- Majetic, Cassie and Pellegrino, Catherine. “When Science and Information Literacy Meet: An Approach to Exploring the Sources of Science News with Non-Science Majors.” College Teaching 62, 3. (2014): 107-112. (link to full text: http://www.spurioustuples.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Majetic_Pellegrino_2014_accepted_manuscript.pdf)
- Pellegrino, Catherine. “Library Research Help-Seeking Behaviors in Online Learning: A Preliminary Methodology and Cautionary Tale.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 14, 2. (2014): 187-196. (link to full text: http://www.spurioustuples.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/14.2.pellegrino.pdf)
- Pellegrino, Catherine. “Does telling them to ask for help work? Investigating library help-seeking behaviors in college undergraduates.” Reference and User Services Quarterly 51, 3. (2012): 272-277. (link to full text: http://www.spurioustuples.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pellegrino_HSB_final.pdf)
- Pellegrino, Catherine. “But what did they learn? What classroom assessment can tell you about student learning.” In Steve Hiller, Kristina Justh, Martha Kyrillidou, and Jim Self. Proceedings of the 2010 Library Assessment Conference: building effective, sustainable, practical assessment. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries. (2011) (link to full text: http://www.spurioustuples.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/But_What_Did_They_Learn.doc)
Professional Memberships
American Library Association
Association of College and Research Libraries