Brian Hutsebout

Faculty Profiles

Brian Hutsebout

Brian Hutsebout

Visiting Assistant Professor
240 Moreau Center for the Arts


Brian Hutsebout is a professor of art at Saint Mary's College where he teaches courses in Applied Arts and Design. Hutsebout received his B.F.A. in Graphic Design from Georgia Southern University in 2006 and completed his M.F.A in Applied Craft and Design from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2014, where he received the AC&D Program Award. He has shown in galleries throughout the Southeastern and Western States and Bayeux, France. He was awarded an artist residency at Leland Ironworks in 2014 and has shown at Disjecta Contemporary Art Center in Portland, OR as a part of the GLEAN residency in 2015. Hutsebout's most recent work has been on display in the outdoor exhibition at Howard Park, South Bend, IN and the Yokna Sculpture Trail in Oxford, MS.

  • MFA, Pacific Northwest College of Art
  • BFA, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Sustainable Design
  • Craftivism
  • Systems Thinking
  • Environmental Justice
Courses Recently Taught
  • Art 103: Design Lab
  • Art 385: Design Research Methods
  • Art 216: Intro to Furniture Design
  • Art 225: Typography
  • Art 290: Graphic Design