
Faculty Profiles

Jeff Greiner

Faculty Profiles

Steven Mast

Student Profiles

Molly Resto

Molly Resto began her college search applying to big universities. Recognizing her desire for hands-on learning, she applied to Saint Mary’s for the smaller size, and made the decision to attend one late night.

Officially a Belle, Molly got involved with Dance Marathon, a student-run organization that benefits Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

“Attending Dance Marathon my freshman year, I just thought, ‘This place in incredible.’ We’re a small school with such a big heart.”

Student Profiles

Megan Doherty

Megan Doherty grew up coming to Saint Mary’s with her mom, class of 1991. It wasn’t until she was in a classroom though, that she knew Saint Mary’s was the right place for her, too.

“When I came to visit and shadowed a student, I felt at home in the classroom. I knew for sure that this was the place for me.”

Growing in a comfortable enviroment

Faculty Profiles

Terri Suico

Faculty Profiles

InSook Chung

Faculty Profiles

Kathy Higgs-Coulthard

Faculty Profiles

Amy Larrison Gillan

Faculty Profiles

Loretta Li

Faculty Profiles

Nancy Turner


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