All Saint Mary's Alumnae are invited to participate in our 2018 Summer Session

Online courses, as well as on-campus courses, are available this summer. Start dates for courses vary.  Many begin May 18.  Registration forms should be submitted no later than one business day prior to the start of the course.

Summer Schedule of Classes

Saint Mary's College Bulletin 2017-2018 (includes course descriptions)



Send a completed Summer Visiting Student Registration Form (available on the Forms and Documents page) to the Office of the Registrar by Friday, May 15th to assure enrollment in the class. (Classes must have a minimum of 5 students to be offered.) Applications received after this date will be accepted on a space available basis.

Online courses may be taken for audit or for credit.

You may take only one course per semester as alumnae.

All requests to audit a course must be approved by the instructor of the course.  The Registrar's Office will seek that approval on your behalf and communicate with you.

Tuition (Final rates not available at this time)

  • Alumnae rate for online summer courses taken for credit is $420 per credit hour ($1260 for a 3 hour course)
  • Alumnae rate for online summer courses taken for audit is $210 per credit hour ($630 for a 3 hour course)
  • Alumnae rate for on-campus summer courses taken for credit is $410 per credit hour ($1260 for a 3 hour course)
  • Alumnae rate for on-campus summer courses taken for audit are free or charge providing 5 or more students are enrolled in the course. The Alumnae rate for such courses with less than 5 enrolled students is $210 per credit hour ($630 for a 3 hour course)


Contact the Office of the Registrar, 161 Le Mans Hall, Saint Mary's College, 574-284-4560, or send email to