• Facilities Director

    Ben Bowman
    115 Facilities Building
    Saint Mary's College
    Notre Dame, IN 46556
    574-284-4552 or bbowman@saintmarys.edu
  • Facilities

    General inquiries for any of the below departments, request keys, or submit a work order for any of the departments below 
    Kathy Bush 574-284-4765 or kbush@saintmarys.edu 
    118 Facilities Building
    Saint Mary's College
    Notre Dame, IN 46556
  • Building Services

    Custodial services, lofts, pest control and set-ups
    Dawn Bell 574-284-4548 or dbell@saintmarys.edu  
    108 Facilities Building
    Saint Mary's College
    Notre Dame, IN 46556
  • Grounds

    Lawn care in the summer and snow and ice in the winter
    Mark Kubacki 574-284-4667 or mkubacki@saintmarys.edu
    131 Facilities Building
    Saint Mary's College
    Notre Dame, IN 46556