Gerontology Course Listing and Descriptions

Course Listing and Descriptions

The interdisciplinary minor in gerontology consists of a minimum of 15 credits.  This minor strengthens and complements the course work of students in many majors. Two courses from category one and three courses from category two are required to complete the minor.

Category 1: These two courses provide the general foundation for student learning in the gerontology minor and both are required.  They provide an overview of gerontology issues and will be taught in alternate years.

  • GERO  201    Gerontology: Services and Policies
  • SW/SOC 362  Perspectives in Gerontology


Category 2: Three courses from this category are required.  These courses provide gerontology content to deepen student learning through an interdisciplinary approach.

  • GERO  320  Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (summer-on line)
  • PHIL 255  Medical Ethics
  • PSYC 302  Psychology of Adult Development
  • SOC 257  Sociology of Families
  • SW 341  Relationships, Intimacy, and Sexuality Across the Lifespan
  • Internships/ independent studies in the student’s major. Requires the approvals of the Chair of the department offering the course and the Director of the Gerontology Program. (Minimum of 3 credits)