Internationally known scholar presents 2018 Aquinas Lecture

February 20, 2018 (Notre Dame, Ind.) — Saint Mary’s College is proud to announce internationally known scholar Eleonore Stump is the 2018 Joyce McMahon Hank Aquinas Lecture. Stump’s lecture titled “The God of the Bible and the God of the Philosopher” will be held on Thursday, March 22 at 7 p.m. in Little Theatre in the Moreau Center of the Arts. A brief discussion and reception will follow the talk. The event is free and open to the public as well as members of the campus community. Click for a campus map.

Eleonore Stump, scholar Eleonore Stump is the Robert J. Henle, S.J. Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University, where she has taught since 1992. She is also an honorary professor at Wuhan University and at Logos Institute, St. Andrews, and she is a professorial fellow at Australian Catholic University. In her lecture, Stump will speak on the tension among contemporary theologians and philosophers who think that the God of the Bible is radically different from the God of the philosophers. Stump has published extensively in medieval philosophy, philosophy of religion, and contemporary metaphysics. Her books include her area of interest, Aquinas, and her extensive treatment of the problem of evil, Wandering in Darkness: Narrative and the Problem of Suffering.

“Professor Stump is an award-winning teacher recognized for her talents of taking the wisdom of classical theological and philosophical traditions and conveying it to a contemporary audience,” said religious studies professor Joseph Incandela, the Joyce McMahon Hank Aquinas Chair in Catholic Theology. “In this particular lecture, she will bridge the biblical and philosophical to show that Aquinas’s God standing outside of time and immune from change is actually the God of the Scriptures, intimately involved with creation in every moment of its continued existence as a personal presence inviting loving relationship. We’re delighted to welcome her to Saint Mary’s College.”  

The Aquinas Symposium is sponsored by the Joyce McMahon Hank Aquinas Chair in Catholic Theology. Click to see past Aquinas Symposium lectures.

Contact for News Media: Haleigh Ehmsen, Assistant Director of Integrated Communications, Saint Mary’s College, (574) 284-5343

Written by Caitlin Blum ’18, media relations intern and business administration major with a concentration in marketing.

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