Draft Liturgical Ministry

Liturgical Ministers and Preparation

Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical ministers enable and enliven the prayer of our community. Saint Mary’s worship life is the heart of our community.  You can serve in many ways:

  • Lector
  • Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion
  • Altar Server
  • Musician (singer or instrumentalist)
  • Hospitality minister
  • Lay presider
  • Lay preacher


Campus Ministry forms ministers through reflection and presentation.  Our goal is that you have confidence to serve the community with competence and reverence. Preparation includes:

  • Liturgical ministry formation.  Explore what liturgy is and what it means for your life.
  • Practicum sessions.  Learn the skills and logistics of your particular ministry.
  • Liturgy preparation. Reflect on the upcoming Sunday’s scripture readings with a group of peers.
  • Music rehearsals.  Sing and play through the songs with which you lead the community’s prayer.
  • Workshops for lay presiders and preachers.

"Being involved as a liturgical minister challenges me to ask the question, ‘How am I the face of Christ to others?’ I am very thankful for the opportunity to serve in this way and, through ministering at mass, I have grown in my faith."

Contact person: Jess Mannen Kimmet
Campus Minister
160 Regina Hall
(574) 284-5392
Liturgical Ministry


Liturgical Ministry