Faculty Profiles
Cassie Majetic
Department Chair
Environmental Studies
252 Science Hall
PhD, University of Pittsburgh
BS, Allegheny College
Areas of Expertise
- Ecology and Evolution
- Botany
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Science
Research Interests
- Plant evolutionary ecology
- Chemical ecology
- Pollination ecology and evolution
Courses Recently Taught
- BIO 156: Foundations of Ecology and Evolution
- BIO 248: Issues in Environmental Biology
- BIO 312: Evolution
- BIO 316: Conservation Biology
- BIO 335: Plant-animal Interactions
- BIO 385: Introduction to Research
- BIO 485: Research in Biology
- ENVS 171: Introduction to Environmental Science
Professional Experience
Handling Editor, International Journal of Plant Sciences
Creative and Scholarly Work
- Makowski, H., C. Majetic, P. Garrett, S. Johnson, P. Schurr, and R. Moore. 2021. Floral scent is different between sexual phases within individuals in a synchronously dichogamous shrub (Canella winterana) but there is no distinct female or male scent profile across individuals. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 96: 104270.
- Majetic, C.J., A.R. Castilla, and D.A. Levin. 2019. Losing a “scent” of one’s “self”: is there a reduction in floral scent emission in self-pollinating Phlox cuspidata vs. outcrossing Phlox drummondii? International Journal of Plant Sciences 180: 86-92
- Majetic, C. and C. Pellegrino. 2018. Building information literacy skills using science news media: Evidence for a hands-on approach. Journal of College Science Teaching 48: 83-91
- Stacey, V., C. J. Majetic, and W. Carson. 2018. Percentage cover of lichen and bryophytes on three host tree species in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Northern Wisconsin. The Michigan Botanist 57: 15-22
- Junker, R. R., Kuppler, J., Amo, L., Blande, J. D., Borges, R. M., Dam, N. M., Dicke, M., Dotterl, S., Ehlers, B.K., Etl, F., Gershenzon, J., Glinwood, R., Gols, R., Groot, A.T., Heil, M., Hoffmeister, M., Holopainen, J.K., Jarua, S., John, L., Kessler, A., Knudsen, J.T., Kost, C., Larue-Kontic, A.-A.C., Leonhardt, S.D., Lucas-Barbosa, D., Majetic, C.J., Menzel, F., Parachnowitsch, A.L., Pasquet, R.S., Poelman, E.H., Raguso, R.A., Ruther, J., Schiestl, F.P., Schmitt, T., Tholl, D., Unsicker, S.B., Verhulst, N., Visser, M.E., Weldegergis, B.T., and Kollner, T.G. 2018. Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays: biosynthetic constraints and eco‐evolutionary implications. New Phytologist 220: 739-749
- Majetic, C.J., A.M. Fetters, O.M. Beck, E.F. Stachnik, and K.M. Beam. 2017. Petunia floral trait plasticity in response to soil nitrogen content and subsequent impacts on insect visitation. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 232: 183-193
Professional Memberships
- Society for the Study of Evolution
- Ecological Society of America
- Botanical Society of America
- Sigma Xi
- Indiana Academy of Science
- Graduate Women in Science
- Association for the Advancement of Science