We Pray in Response to the Tragedy in Boston
From the Division for Mission at Saint Mary's College: During this Easter Season our hearts are heavy as we remember those who lost their lives and were seriously injured in Boston. Words can not convey the sympathy we extend to those affected by the tragedy. May we pray in solidarity with their grieving families and friends...
Loving God be with us in our pain today
as we mourn the loss of those taken so soon
and those severely injured
for a “why” we may never grasp.
Mary, Compassionate Mother,
the distant sobs of your sisters and friends
echoed ‘til they reached you on Golgotha.
Be with family and friends who mourn these days;
Be with the many who suffer in pain
who look for comfort and healing.
Risen Christ,
Living Sign of God’s love,
You conquered death so we might live
in belief that you will come again.
Be with us now.
Help us be strong for others,
to speak truth to power, truth with love,
to end violence,
to let peace reign in our hearts
and in our world.