Holocaust Survivor Speaks Tonight

Holocaust survivor Marion Blumenthal Lazan will be on campus TONIGHT to give a presentation about her family's experience in Nazi concentration campus during WWII. Please come for this informative and moving lecture. Her lecture marks the 74th  anniversary of Kristallnacht or "Night of the Broken Glass," when the Nazis began the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany and Austria.

WHEN: Monday, November 12
WHERE: Stapleton Lounge, Le Mans Hall (click for a campus map)
TIME: 7:30 p.m.

There will be a reception after the lecture, plus there will be a book signing for Marion's book Four Perfect Pebbles. Her book will be for sale. For more information about Marion, visit her website: http://www.fourperfectpebbles.com/

The presentation is sponsored by the Center for Spirituality, the Justice Education Department and the Department of Religious Studies.

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