(November 18, 1921 - January 4, 2012)
Word has been received of the death of Sister M. Rosine (Hammett) who died at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 4, 2012, in Saint Mary’s Convent, Notre Dame, Indiana.
Sister Rosine was a beautiful, highly educated gracious lady. The first 17 years of her religious life were spent as an elementary school teacher in various schools in the East, but by 1959 she was already on the academic fast track to advanced degrees. At Boston College she received her master’s degree in 1960 and a Ph.D. in 1965, both in her area of expertise -- counseling psychology. She pursued additional graduate studies at the University of Notre Dame, Andover-Newton Theology School in Boston, The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., The Washington Theological Union in Silver Spring, Maryland, and the Baltimore-Washington Center for Psychoanalysis. All of this academic preparation found fruition in the co-authoring of three books: Inside Christian Community; Design for Wholeness; and Building Community: Christian Caring Vital. These books were written for women and men religious living in a community setting. Sister gave numerous workshops for religious using material from these publications.
In 1967 Sister Rosine left her teaching position as a professor at Dunbarton College in Washington, D.C., to become a member of the congregation’s General Council. Her leadership qualities had been recognized early in community as she was appointed as a local superior within the minimum five years after her final profession. After her election as a member of the General Council she used her skills in counseling to direct the formation programs for the congregation. Immediately on completion of her term of office she continued in her field of expertise when she joined the Internal Resource Team and began visiting the local convents, offering help and direction in strengthening and enhancing the goals of community living.
From 1976 to 1984 Sister Rosine was the assistant director of the Center for Religion and Psychiatry in Silver Spring, Maryland, where again her educational background and experience garnered her success and many clients. She then became a staff member at Mater Ecclesia Center in Tiberias, Israel, where she directed the renewal program for the religious men and women enrolled there.
Giving retreats, spiritual direction and workshops in areas related to spirituality and mental health became her ministry of choice when she joined the staff of Mary’s Solitude in 1990. And after retiring from full-time commitments, she continued to honor requests for presentations to various groups and parishes.
Living what she taught made Sister Rosine a strong community woman, plus the fact that she grew up in a family of nine children so learned the skills of mutual sharing early in life. Her love of family and community enhanced her appreciation of interpersonal relations and warm companionship. Her engaging smile and graciousness made her a welcome member of any group she joined.
Prayer was important to Sister Rosine and she was a faithful and dedicated religious who gave her life in full measure to the service of others. May she rest in peace.
Funeral arrangements for Sister Rosine are as follows: Reception of the body and memento on Monday, January 9, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. with the Mass of Resurrection at 1:30 the same day. These ceremonies will take place in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto.