Sister Camilla Cilinski, CSC

Sister Camilla Cilinski

Sister Camilla Cilinski, CSC

(- November 27, 2007)

Please, join in prayer of thanksgiving
for this Sister of the Holy Cross who
died on November 27, 2007.

Sister Camilla was one of seven children born into a family of strongPolish traditions. She valued this precious heritage and retained asmany of its customs as was possible in community, especially thosesurrounding the feasts of Christmas and Easter. She was so proud whenher mother and father were chosen to represent the Diocese of Arlington,Virginia, on the occasion of a papal visit to Washington, D.C. HerPolish pride was also evident when she spoke of her two brothers and anephew who became priests.

As a teacher of the primary grades she was faithful to her heritage of astrong sense of order, though her small charges flocked to embrace herwhen class discipline was relaxed. Her wonderful wit and teasing mannerendeared her to children and adults alike. She was a joy at anycommunity gathering.

Her love of community and family were an integral part of her life andthough she sometimes "marched to a different drum," she was an involvedand supportive member of both of these groups. Because of hergenerosity and talent many families of the sisters with whom she livedwere the fortunate recipients of the beautiful baby sets she crochetedfor them. She shared her gifts of time and talent with all. May she nowrest in peace.

Funeral arrangements for Sister Camilla are as follows: reception ofthe body on Friday, November 30, 2007, at 9:00 a.m. with the funeralthe same day at 10:30 a.m. All of these ceremonies will take place inthe Church of Our Lady of Loretto.

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