The Administrative Computing group in the Department of Information Technology is responsible for the College’s Administrative Computing systems. These professionals help in the design or evaluation of new software and are responsible for the implementation of new administrative systems and the continuing support and development of the College ERP (economic resource planning) systems.
SUNGARD/SCT Banner is the software we use for all our major applications including Admission, Student Records, Housing, Financial Aid, Accounts Receivable, Finance, College Relations, Human Resources, and our self service applications. The Administrative Computing group maintains this software and manages the underlying Oracle Enterprise databases. We also provide help in the exchange of information between the administrative databases and other information systems such as the library, Blackboard, and outside systems such as the tuition payment plan.
Administrative Computing helps users to develop solutions for reporting needs, including the development of customized views of data for reporting purposes, development of reports, or training in the use of reporting tools. We also assist users in the use of software such as word processing, spreadsheets needed in their jobs. This group also provides training in the use of Banner, word processing, mail merges, spreadsheets and other software tools to any interested employees of the college.