Health and Counseling Center: Confidentiality

Saint Mary's College and the Health and Counseling Center (HCC) value the privacy of it's patients and the confidentiality of the personal and mental and physical health information entrusted to us. We respect that students have concerns about confidentiality. Health and Counseling staff maintains confidentiality of all private communications in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

In accordance with HIPAA mandates, we will not release information to anyone, including the student's immediate family, without the student's prior approval. In addition, if a student needs her health records sent to another facility, she will first need to sign a release form available at HCC. Information is released only with written permission by the student, except as required by law or in a life-threatening situation. Health records are not a part of a student's transcript or college record, and are not available to Saint Mary's faculty or staff outside of HCC. Counseling records are also confidential and are NOT accessible by any college employees except HCC staff.  Our clinical/counseling staff do consult with each other on cases regularly.

Unless they are paid for at the time service, the Saint Mary's College Health and Counseling Center will send charges to the Business Office to be processed at the end of each month. The bill will show the following information: name, student identification number, and date of service. No medical diagnosis, procedure or medications will be on this document. The bill will be documented as "Health and Counseling Center Charge." You may choose to pay cash directly to HCC, at the time of service, if desired. Itemized billing statements that include health information will be realeased to the student or the student's designated representative only upon the request and with the written consent of the student.

Oversight includes internal and external audits, chart reviews, investigations, licensures, and inspections required for compliance with government, college and accrediations programs and laws as well as HCC quality assurance/risk management programs. Only the minimal necessary information will be released. All individuals performing these reviews, audits, etc. will be required to agree with and sign the non-disclosure confidentialty standards of HCC before being granted access.

Student employees employed by HCC have signed a confidentiality agreement that prohibits the student employee from directly or indirectly communicating any health related information to anyone other than their supervisor.  Student employees do not have access to information within a patient's medical or counseling records.

Any student may request to speak with a HCC staff member rather than a student employee at any time during their visit.


Information and complaints: Students may file complaints regarding the security and/or privacy of their personal health information with:

Sarah Granger, Director, Health and Counseling Center, 159 Angela Athletic & Wellness Complex, Notre Dame, IN 46556, 574-284-4805, 

Gloria Jenkins, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs, 121 LeMans Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556, 574-284-4571,