In The Mix

Catherine Moore with the Simulated Man in Havican Hall
Catherine Moore with the
Simulated Man in Havican Hall

When sophomore Catherine Moore came to Saint Mary's College she was attracted to the beautiful surroundings. Coming from a very large high school in Illinois, Catherine chose the College because of its relatively small size. Catherine says, “The atmosphere here is lovely. I like seeing familiar faces everyday when I am walking about.” Catherine has found that the size of the College creates a close-knit community with faculty and other students. She was happy to learn that professors wanted their students to succeed. Students, Catherine says, are also caring and helpful. As a first-year student, Catherine found that other students were willing to talk with her about academic problems and personal ones, as well.

While her first year was full of meeting new friends and professors, Catherine was also busy getting involved on campus. She is a member of the Residence Hall Association (RHA), as a co-chair of the committee planning Little Sibs weekend. She is also a member of Circle K, a volunteering club at Saint Mary's. “We do a lot of work with the Center for the Homeless in South Bend, with the kids and families that reside there,” says Catherine. Volunteering has always been an important part of Catherine and her family’s life. Catherine’s mother and father were both active in their home community. She was taught early about the value of helping others, so even before attending the College, she had developed a drive to volunteer. “I love being involved and at Saint Mary’s there are more than enough clubs and activities to be involved in.”

Catherine’s desire to help others has led her to strive to become part of the Saint Mary's College nursing program. She believes that being a nurse is one of the best ways to give to others. She hopes to do some sort of nursing that involves working with children.

Catherine wants to participate in the Uganda Summer Practicum wih the Sisters, one of the study abroad programs that fits into her busy nursing major schedule. Catherine hopes to participate in the summer program because it will give her a chance to travel outside of the country and learn about nursing all while getting involved and helping others.

While she loves helping others, Catherine is thankful for the assistance that people at the College willingly offer. She loves being here because of the opportunities to get involved and also because the “students and each of the staff that I have gotten to know have influenced and inspired me to try my hardest and to be the best woman I can be.”

-Lauren DeBruce ’11