Rubrics are a scoring tool that breaks assignments into component parts and objectives. They incorporate both quantitative and qualitative elements while allowing for scoring to be more accurate, unbiased and consistent. Rubrics provide both student level and course level data and are frequently used in evaluating other forms of assessment including portfolios, field experiments, etc.
Online Rubric Builders
- Rubistar
- Rubrix
Porfolios are perhaps the most challenging assessment tool due to their complexity. Students actively participate in this from of assessment as they choose what to include in their portfolio by following criteria outlined by their faculty member. Portfolios assemble in one place many different types of learning/skills. They are often assessed through rubrics.
In-class writings/reflections
In-class reflections encourage students to reflect on what, how, and why they have learned. They offer a valuable resource on attitudes and values which are often difficult to measure. Reflections are qualitative in nature and data can be gathered through quick readings, tallies, or more complex thematic analyses.
Exit Surveys
Focus Groups
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