Faculty Profiles

Stacy Davis
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
M.T.S., Phillips Theological Seminary
B.A., University of Tulsa
Research Interests
- History of biblical interpretation
- African-American biblical interpretation
- Feminist biblical interpretation
Courses Recently Taught
- RLST 101: Introductory religous studies
- RLST 102: Religion in communities
- RLST 225: Reading the Hebrew bible
- RLST 307: Leviticus and Numbers
- GWS 207: Introduction to gender and women's studies
- RLST 314: Reading and Interpreting Hebrew Bible Prophets
Creative and Scholarly Work
- This Strange Story: Jewish and Christian Interpretation of the Curse of Canaan from Antiquity to 1865. University Press of America.
- Joel and African and African American Biblical Interpretation in The New Jerome Bible Commentary
- Rage, Riots, and Rhetoric: Psalm 137 and African American Responses to Violence in Bitter The Chastening Rod: Africana Biblical Interpretation After Stony the Road We Trod in the Age of BLM, SayHerName, and MeToo.
- Haggai and Malachi in the Wisdom Commentary Series. Liturgical Press.
Professional Memberships
Society of Biblical Literature