2015-2016 Events

Guest Speakers Pino and Clark from The Hunting Ground

Presentation by Andrea Pino and Annie Clark, civil rights activists and co-founders of End Rape on Campus (EROC), were successful complainants against the University of North Carolina for violations of Title IX. Come hear how EROC can help you.

Thursday, September 10

7 PM

Carroll Auditorium 

Reception to Follow

Flyer about speakers from The Hunting Ground

Co-sponsored by:

Saint Mary's College Gender and Women's Studies Department, Center for Women's Intercultural Leadership, Feminists United, Department of History, Belles Against Violence Office, Department of Communication, Dance, and Theatre, and some College alumnae; 

Indiana University-South Bend Women's and Gender Studies Program, and the Film Studies Program; 

University of Notre Dame 
Gender Studies Program, Gender Relations Center, ND-Show Some Skin, the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre, and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies;

YWCA of North Central Indiana

Guest Speaker Meghan Buell

Transgender: The Binary
"What's a Spork Supposed to Do?"

3rd speaker in the LGBTQ Series

Wednesday, September 23
4:30 PM
Dalloway's Clubhouse

Light refreshments will be served.

Flyer about speaker Meghan Buell




Cosponsored by the Gender and Women's Studies Department and Psychology Department.

2014-2015 Events

                 Flyer announcing 50 Shades of Nope           Flyer announcing Godly But Gay             Flyer about economic viability and environmental sustainability

2013-2014 Events

    Flyer announcing Gender and Women's studies week   Flyer announcing presentation on the fight against sex trafficking   Flyer announcing presentation of teenage activists and contemporary feminists in America presentation   Flyer announcing presentation of Transgender 101: Class and Health issues   Flyer about Gender and Women's Studies Major     


Students participating in the Gender and Women's Studies hooding ceremonyGender and Women's Studies Hooding CeremonyStudents participating in the Gender and Women's Studies hooding ceremony

May 2012



Participants in the Women's Worlds 2011

Click to view more images

 Women's Study hoodingWomen' Studies HoodingWomen's Study Hooding

May 4, 2011

A celebration for the graduting WOST minors and a thank you to the women who helped to found the Women's Studies Program.


January 28-February 25, 2011Aesthetics of War and Reconciliation

"The Aesthetics of War and Reconciliation." A group exhibit featuring work by: Donald Cameron, Dan Mills, Shannon Bennie, Dorothy Schultz, Joseph Delappe, Suzanne Slavick, Mary Strebinger, and Paul Kuharic.

Reception and Lecture. Friday, February 4th, 5-7 pm, Little Theater Gallery, Moreau. Keynote speaker, Dr. Linda Tropp. Associate Professor and Director of the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program. University of Massachesetts - Amhurst. Lecture begins at 6 pm.

For more information, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/12kOnEZAJlUN7gS1BdV56haGiyeyR6XhoH7m-O1hMcFs/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJGm7kc&pli=1#

WOST  207 final project videos 

 Students in the fall 2010 semester WOST 207 Introduction to Women's Studies created their own videos about feminism to share with others. Enjoy!


Students from the Women's Studies class"What Does Feminism Mean to You? 

"Female Beauty"

"Holey Feminism: A Female Piercer's Feminist Perspective"

"Exploring the Diversity of Feminism at Notre Dame, IN"

 "Men on Feminism"



December 2010

Women's Studies pot luck dinner


WOST Annual Pot-luck dinner
December 12, 5:30-7:30 pm
Contact Phyllis Kaminski for info.


For more information on WOST events, please contact Jennifer Zachman, Women's Studies Coordinator: jzachman@saintmarys.edu, 574 284-5388

Please check back for more upcoming WOST events!

CLICK HERE to view past WOST events