The research conducted at Saint Mary's College is broad and inclusive. Grant funding provides valuable resources for the College to conduct research as well as complete projects that aid in our students' academic experience. The following is a snapshot of recent grant initiatives.
Sponsored Program Office
Current grants as of August 2, 2022: $1,619,733
NSF IIBR. Bentley. Informatics Intuitive Software for Automated Tracking and Counting. $598,413
US Dept. of Education, FIPSE. Dr. Kathryn Haas, Libretext. $690,165
Mathile Family Foundation. Dr. Toni Barstis. PADs Project. $150,000
Company of Biologists. Dr. Vanessa Young. SCIB symposium: Visions for a Diverse, Inclusive, and Safe Future for Field Biology. $1,200
NSF IOS Conference Grant. Dr. Vanessa Young. Visions for a Diverse, Inclusive, and Safe Future for Field Biology. $15,954
NEH. Dr. Sarah Noonan. Community Networks and Narratives: Launching a Digital and Public Humanities Minor. $149,001
Rush University Medical Center. Dr. Kathryn Lyndes. Mapping Spiritual and Religious Care in Long Term Care Centers. $15,000
Corporate, Foundation and Government Relations Office
Current grants as of July 31, 2022: $9,749,350
Council on Library & Information Resources. Dr. Sarah Noonan. Peripheral Manuscripts Digitizing Medieval Manuscript Collections of the Midwest. $66,295
Community Engagement Alliance. Rebekah Go, Dr. Drew Pierce. Actualizing a Culture of Community Engagement. $11,000
Lilly Endowment. Dr. Molly Gower. Embody Summer Theology Institute. $263,491
William Randolph Hearst Foundation. Kathleen Brown. William Randolph Hearst Scholarships for Students in the Helping Professions. $100,000
US Department of State. Dr. Emily Rose McManus. Study of the US Institutes for Scholars: SUSI 2021. $734,057
Judd Leighton Foundation. Dr. Dana Strait/Dr. Redgina Hill. The Hatchery. $200,000
Ball Ventures Foundation. Dr. Dana Strait / Dr. Redgina Hill. The Hatchery. $25,000
Library of Congress. Dr. Jeffrey Greiner / Dr. Jamie Wagman. Teaching with Primary Sources. $20,000
Eaton Corp. Terri Hebert. Broadening Access to Academic and Professional Conferences. $10,000
1st Source Foundation. Dr. Redgina Hill. Women's Entrepreneurship Initiative. $75,000
South Bend Elkhart Regional Partnership. Dr. Dana Strait / Dr. Redgina Hill. LIFT Digital Skills Accelerator 2. $285,000
National Endowment for the Humanities. Dr. Julia Dauer. Pandemic Narratives. $7,235
John & Frank Sparacio Charitable Foundation. Dr. Megan Zwart. Dialogue and Democracy Summer Institute. $45,000
Lilly Endowment. Dr. Dana Strait. Indiana Youth Programs on Campus Planning Grant. $50,000
US Dept of State_Fulbright. Melissa Bialko. Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA). $27,160
American Talent Initiative. Dr. Barbara May. Kessler Scholars. $1,000,000
National Endowment for the Humanities. Dr. Sarah Noonan. Community Networks and Narratives: Launching a Digital and Public Humanities Minor. $149,001
US Department of State. Dr. Emily Rose McManus. Study of the US Institutes for Scholars: SUSI 2022. $243,000
US Department of Education. Dr. Dana Strait. HEERF I, II, and III. $6,432,611
Sisters of the Holy Cross. Dr. Christopher Cobb. Sustainability Education and Carbon Reduction at the SMC Farm. $2,500
Community Engagement Alliance. Dr. Jennifer LeFever. High Impact Community Engagement. $3,000