Global Studies Student Helps Women in Jordan Start SheCab (WSBT-TV) Read More Global Studies Student Helps Women in Jordan Start "SheCab" (WSBT-TV) At Saint Mary's College, women prepare to make a difference in the world. Global studies major Eleanor Jones ’16 already is. She and others here are helping four Jordanian women start ‎SheCab‬. The cabs will be driven by women for women to travel safely in Amman. Eleanor helped them with a business plan, apply for grants, and fundraise. She even traveled to Jordan when they pitched the idea to the U.S. Embassy. Gianni Schicchi Opera to be Performed at Saint Mary's College Read More Gianni Schicchi Opera to be Performed at Saint Mary's College Saint Mary’s College and the Department of Music will present Gianni Schicchi (pronounced “Johnny Skeeky”), a one-act opera by Puccini. Performances run Thursday through Saturday, March 26-28, at 7:30 p.m. and a matinee on Sunday, March 29 at 2:30 p.m. in Little Theatre, Moreau Center for the Arts. The opera tells the tale of Buoso Donati and the fate of his fortune. As Donati lies dead, his relatives gather around to mourn his passing, but with ulterior motives. They’re really interested in learning the contents of his will. Donati has bequeathed his fortune to the monastery, and only a masterful hoax created by Gianni Schicchi can solve the problem. Meet the Speech Language Pathology Faculty, December 11 from 1-4 p.m. Read More Meet the Speech Language Pathology Faculty, December 11 from 1-4 p.m. Hoping to learn more about the Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology program? Judith R. Fean Announced as Vice President for Mission   Read More Judith R. Fean Announced as Vice President for Mission Saint Mary’s College is pleased to announce that Judith R. Fean, Director of Campus Ministry since 1995, is the College’s new Vice President for Mission. Fean is the first layperson to hold the post. In her new role, she will lead the Division for Mission, a division of the College that seeks to integrate Gospel values, the richness of the Catholic tradition, and the heritage of the founders, the Sisters of the Holy Cross. Mission includes three offices: the Office of Civic and Social Engagement, the Center for Spirituality, and Campus Ministry. Students Participate in March for Life in DC (Observer) Read More Students Participate in March for Life in DC (Observer) A record-breaking 692 students from Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross traveled to Washington D.C. last week for the annual March for Life. Saint Mary’s senior Brooke Fowler said she marches for “love for life,” adding, “I want to give a voice to the voiceless". CANCELED Father Brian Davies, Aquinas Symposium Speaker for 2015 Read More CANCELED Father Brian Davies, Aquinas Symposium Speaker for 2015 Saint Mary's College is proud to announce that Father Brian Davies, O.P., Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University, is the speaker for the Symposium on St. Thomas Aquinas. The hour-long talk will be held at 7 p.m. on the saint’s feast day, Wednesday, January 28, in Rice Commons of the Student Center. A brief discussion and reception will follow the talk. The event is free and open to the public. Transition to College Difficult, Says National Survey (WNDU-TV) Read More Transition to College Difficult, Says National Survey (WNDU-TV) Saint Mary's College is working to help make the transition from high school to college smoother for its students. A national Harris poll, released last week, reports 60 percent of college students wish they had been better prepared emotionally. Being unprepared can affect grades, relationships and even the desire to stay in school. Saint Mary's has programs in place to help students with the transition, like a peer mentorship program where every first year student is assigned a junior or senior mentor. Diane Fox, director of student success, offers tips for parents with kids in high school. Former President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, to Speak on “Ireland: Religion and Gender in Its Present and Future” Read More Former President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, to Speak on “Ireland: Re... Saint Mary’s College is proud to host Mary McAleese, former president of Ireland, for a conversation titled “Ireland: Religion and Gender in Its Present and Future” at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14 in Carroll Auditorium, Madeleva Hall. The event, sponsored by the College’s Center for Women’s Intercultural Leadership (CWIL) and the Ireland Study Abroad Program, is free and open to the public. Karen Chambers, director of the Ireland Program and associate professor of psychology, will facilitate the conversation. 7 p.m., Tue., 1/27, Stalking Dangers Read More 7 p.m., Tue., 1/27, Stalking Dangers The Belles Against Violence Office (BAVO) at Saint Mary's College will welcome Debbie Riddle to speak at the College on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. In 2003, Riddle’s sister, Peggy Klinke, was murdered by a man who stalked her for almost a year. Shortly after this tragic event, Riddle began speaking publicly to generate change.