Saint Mary’s Gerontology Project is Music to the Ears of Healthwin Residents Read More Saint Mary’s Gerontology Project is Music to the Ears of Healthwin R... Research suggests that the simple act of listening to music could trigger memories in the aging population. Saint Mary’s College social work and gerontology students, at the invitation of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County, are participating in a Music and Memory Project with residents at Healthwin, a specialized care facility in South Bend. The project pairs 14 juniors enrolled in the course “Social Work Practice with Groups” with Healthwin residents. The students load a personalized music library on a media player for the resident with whom they are paired. Saint Mary’s Remains among “Best in the Midwest,” Says The Princeton Review Read More Saint Mary’s Remains among “Best in the Midwest,” Says The Princ... Saint Mary’s College is once again among the best colleges in the Midwest, according to The Princeton Review, which released its ratings this week. The well-known education services company recommends Saint Mary’s College in its 2016 Best Colleges: Region-by-Region feature. The colleges and universities on The Princeton Review's four regional “Best” lists constitute just 25 percent of the nation's 2,500 four-year colleges. Senior Data Scientist at Netflix Discusses the Versatility of a Career in Data Science Read More Senior Data Scientist at Netflix Discusses the Versatility of a Career... The Saint Mary’s College’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and its new Master of Science in Data Science program, which starts in August, will welcome to the College Douglas Twisselmann, a Senior Data Scientist in the Science and Algorithms group at Netflix. Twisselmann will offer his talk “Data Science at Netflix” at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, in Little Theatre of Moreau Center for the Arts. The public is encouraged to attend this free event. Student Awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Read More Student Awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowsh... Saint Mary’s College is pleased to announce that Erin Reinhart ’15, a chemistry major from Courtland, Minnesota, was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Reinhart is the first Saint Mary’s student to be awarded this fellowship, which will cover tuition for graduate school and a stipend for living expenses. She will attend Dartmouth College in the fall to work towards a PhD in chemistry. At Dartmouth, she hopes to continue research she started at Saint Mary’s. Her long-term goal is to be a professor at a college or university. Saint Mary’s Meets $80 Million Campaign Goal Early; New Goal Set at $90 Million Read More Saint Mary’s Meets $80 Million Campaign Goal Early; New Goal Set at ... Saint Mary’s College is pleased to announce that it has surpassed its $80 million goal for the "Faith Always, Action Now" campaign – several months ahead of schedule. With a portion of the campaign components not yet fully funded, the College’s Board of Trustees recently approved raising the goal to $90 million. "Faith Always, Action Now" remains the largest comprehensive fundraising campaign in the College’s 170-year history. Sophomore Lectors at Vatican's Palm Sunday Mass (Chicago Tribune) Read More Sophomore Lectors at Vatican's Palm Sunday Mass (Chicago Tribune) A small opportunity to read Scripture during Mass at a church in Italy, led to a much higher calling for a Naperville young woman. During the Palm Sunday Mass with Pope Francis, Naperville native Ali Mahoney served as a lector for the 70,000 who attended the two-hour service held March 29 in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. Spring Semester Art Exhibition Read More Spring Semester Art Exhibition The Moreau Art Galleries welcomes you to two spring exhibitions that will run from January 21 to March 6, 2015. THRIVE Conference Coming up Next Week (WSBT-TV) Read More "THRIVE" Conference Coming up Next Week (WSBT-TV) The Women’s Entrepreneurship Initiative (WEI) at Saint Mary’s will present the “THRIVE: Women’s Leadership Engagement Day” next Wednesday, May 27 in the Student Center on the Saint Mary’s campus from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The interactive conference, co-sponsored by 1st Source Bank, Sassy Magazine and Ignite Michiana, will feature women leaders from throughout the region. Through workshops and speakers, conference promises to inspire the mind, body and spirit of women who attend. Good News for College Grads: Job Market Improved (WSBT-TV) Read More Good News for College Grads: Job Market Improved (WSBT-TV) It's music to the ears of Saint Mary's seniors. The job market is improved. Saint Mary's senior Marissa Pié '15 has good news. She has accepted a job at Southwest Airlines as a Customer Segment and Experience Analyst in their marketing department. Also interviewed for the story are Stacie Jeffirs, director of the Career Crossings Office at Saint Mary's, Richard Measell, assistant professor or economics, and Meredith Mersits '15. Meredith will serve with Teach for America in a school in Milwaukee while working on a master's degree in special education.