Division for Mission hires new Director for the Office of Civic and Social Engagement (OCSE)

October 6, 2016 (Notre Dame, Ind.) — Saint Mary’s College is pleased to announce and welcome Rebekah DeLine as Director of the Office for Civic and Social Engagement and Academic Experiential Learning Coordinator. DeLine began her position this week.

Rebekah DeLine

As Director of the Office for Civic and Social Engagement (OCSE), DeLine reports to the Vice President for Mission. In this capacity, she will coordinate service opportunities and program initiatives where students will be oriented and immersed in the local community, helping  them explore their faith, social responsibility, and personal choices. As Academic Experiential Learning Coordinator, she reports to the Dean of Faculty. In this part of her job, she will promote and facilitate experiential learning within academic departments.

A native of South Bend, DeLine comes to Saint Mary’s from the University of Notre Dame where she served as coordinator for the ESTEEM Program for three years. Prior to that she worked for more than six years at the St. Joseph Chapter of the American Red Cross in a variety of roles.

DeLine has a deep understanding of Holy Cross education since she earned a bachelor’s degree in communications and theatre and a master’s in non-profit business management both from the University of Notre Dame.

Vice President for Mission Judith R. Fean said the Division for Mission is happy to welcome DeLine to the College and see the ways she can help to further the Mission of the College.

“Her education and community based background, her leadership with not-for-profit organizations, and her experience in civic and theological reflection will continue the formation of the Saint Mary's students, especially in the area of social responsibility.”

Dean of Faculty Vickie Hess said she is very excited about DeLine’s arrival to the College.

“As a Holy Cross institution, we have built into our curriculum engagement outcomes including global awareness, social responsibility, and intercultural competence. I'm thrilled to have someone with Rebekah's experience, passion, and commitment to collaboration to partner with as we continue to develop the experiential pieces of the curriculum that make engagement real.”

Contact for News Media: Haleigh Ehmsen, Media Relations Associate, Saint Mary’s College, hehmsen@saintmarys.edu (574) 284-5343

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