McMahon Aquinas Chair in Philosophy hosts annual lecture

September 19, 2016 (Notre Dame, Ind.) — Saint Mary’s College is pleased to announce that D.C. Schindler from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America will offer this year’s McMahon Aquinas Lecture. Schindler will speak on “Love and Beauty, ‘The Forgotten Transcendental,’ in Aquinas” on Thursday, November 3 at 7 p.m. in Rice Commons, Student Center. The event is free, and members of the public and Saint Mary’s community are encouraged to attend.

DC Schindler

Concerning his lecture, Schindler writes, “In the high Middle Ages, love was typically associated most directly with goodness, as distinct from the older tradition that connected love above all with beauty. Although St. Thomas Aquinas himself linked love and goodness, this lecture will explore the traces of the older tradition that remain in his thought and discuss what seem to be the implications for the meaning of love more generally.”

Professor Michael Waddell, the Edna and George McMahon Aquinas Chair in Philosophy and host of the lecture said, “Dr. Schindler is one of the most insightful, engaging, and prolific young Catholic thinkers of our time. We are very fortunate to have him speaking on a topic that is at the heart of his work and that has such broad relevance.”

Schindler has written numerous books and articles on figures and themes spanning the history of western philosophy, from Plato to Hans Urs von Balthasar, and is an editor of Communio: International Catholic Review.

Click for more information about this and past McMahon Aquinas Lectures.

This lecture is presented by the Edna and George McMahon Aquinas Chair in Philosophy, who sponsors an annual lecture on a topic related to the thought of Thomas Aquinas.

Contact for News Media: Haleigh Ehmsen, Media Relations Associate, Saint Mary’s College, (574) 284-5343

Press release written by media relations intern Theresa Wojnar ‘17, a communication studies major with a minor in advertising and public relations.

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