Library Posting Policy

Policy on Posters at the Cushwa-Leighton Library

September 19, 2019

This policy is based on the Saint Mary's College Posting Policy dated October 7, 2011

The library posting policy is intended to provide fair and consistent guidelines. This policy promotes the interest of Saint Mary’s College in guarding against violations of copyright laws, inappropriate content, and/or instances of the destruction of the positive campus atmosphere, campus property, or campus appearance. This policy will be enforced and upheld by the Office of Student Involvement. Any violation of this policy may result in a complete loss of posting privileges.

In order to maintain a beautiful and comfortable library environment and meet the needs of the community to share information, this posting policy has been established.

Your assistance and that of your department, club, student organization, or group is greatly appreciated.

Where you CAN post: Where you cannot post:
Non-painted surfaces Glass doors*
Glass walls Painted metal
Non-painted metal and concrete block walls Outside street faces of the building
Lampposts On the ground or floor
Bathroom stalls On any religious symbol
Any bulletin board that is not reserved for a specific use Emergency call boxes
  Painted walls

*Please note that the library may post temporary hours changes (e.g., break and holiday hours) on the front glass doors.  In an emergency situation, the College may permit offices and academic departments to post on glass doors.

Any library employee may remove improperly posted materials.